How to annoy your siblings method 1 pestering your siblings. Try to freak your sister out by staring at her constantly without speaking.
Method 2 playing pranks.

How to annoy your older sister.
Try sneaking into your sisters room in the morning before she wakes up.
Hit them in the head.
Blame everything on them.
Make your eyes really wide and blink as little as possible.
Follow your sibling around wherever they go.
Tell their friends secrets they dont know.
Always laugh randomly at them.
Hide your siblings phone and then text or call it.
Always tell on her for things she never did.
Method 3 being loud and obnoxious.
Do it at the breakfast table while shes watching tv or when youre in the car.
Say to her that when you first met her you thought she was a girl.
Run around screaming at the top of your lungs my sister likes girls.
Read 50 ways to annoy your older sister from the story 50 ways to annoy people by jacqulynnperkins jackie with 1483 reads1.
Jump on his bed and yell wake up even if they are up.
Ways to annoy your older brothersister.
Keep annoying them like heck following these rules.
Befriend her boyfriend 2.
Tell your mom or dad or whoever that your sisters got a boy friend and there getting married and werent going to tell you until it happened.
Tell her that shes the best sister you ever had then a day later say that you changed your mind.
Wake your sibling up early in the morning with a loud noise.
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