The goal of the game is to connect four pieces of the same colorvertically horizontally or diagonallybefore the other player does so. Of course the play perfectly part is a bit tricky.
4 watch for game ending moves and prevent your opponent from taking advantage of them.

How to always win connect 4 reddit.
Assuming a perfect player goes first and plays in the center column they will always win within 41 moves regardless of the opponents moves.
By starting in the two adjacent columns the first player allows the second player to reach a draw.
With perfect play the first player can force a win by starting in the middle column.
Connect four is a two player board game similar to tic tac toe.
2 plan ahead to discover how to win any game based on the potential options for you and your opponent.
Pay close attention to your opponents moves so you can block their attempts to make a connect 4 and take advantage of any mistakes they make.
Each player takes turns dropping a colored disc into a board that has 7 vertical columns and 6 horizontal rows.
By starting with the four outer columns the first player allows the second player to force a win.
To win at connect 4 try to maintain control of the center of the board by planning multiple moves in advance.
3 block your opponent while building your competitive edge.
Practice your moves and study the board to learn patterns revealing potential winning tactics.
The best way to develop a connect four strategy is to play the game as often as you can.
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